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We need your help

It takes a lot of effort to find out what measures are out there, which ones are free, and how to get them–it’s why we made You can help us out in several ways:

There’s a measure that we should include

If there’s a freely-available measure that isn’t currently listed (and not on the list of measures that don’t qualify), please tell us. In short, we want to include any measure that is:

  1. Available under a free-to-use license
  2. Accessible on the internet with minimal hassle
  3. Relevant to disability
  4. Used or evaluated in peer-reviewed study or respectable technical report/white paper

If you have a measure in mind that fits the inclusion criteria and is not currently listed or deemed ineligible, there are three ways to tell us:

  • (best option) Create the page yourself on github. Each measure has its own sub-folder, and you can use as a template
  • Fill out this form to the best of your knowledge. We can’t post it if we don’t have enough information to know that it qualifies.
  • email us

You created a new measure and you want people to use it

If you created a new measures that meets the criteria above, we would be happy to work with you to disseminate your measure on If you don’t have a website to host the measure or materials, email us and we can host it directly.

A post needs to be updated, there was a typo, or a link isn’t working

  • Do a pull request on github. Each measure is in its own sub-folder
  • email us

Investigate and describe a measure on our to-do list

We keep a list for measures that appear to meet our criteria, but we haven’t gotten around to evaluating them and writing up a summary. You can get started right away by choosing a measure from this list and using our template.

Help with the website

We’re running on github pages to make our efforts as open and collaborative as possible. Feel free to submit pull requests that will help us out. For example, we’d love to have working page tags. Alternately, email us if you have other ideas.